Installateurs die voor u aan de slag gaan

Wij zijn uw betrouwbare partner in professionele montage. Onze teams bestaan uit ervaren specialisten in de installatie van zonnepanelen, warmtepompen, raamkozijnen en andere energie-efficiënte oplossingen. Wij bieden kwaliteitsdiensten aan particuliere en zakelijke klanten die betrouwbaarheid, snelheid en professionaliteit waarderen



Bespaar op verwarming en koeling met moderne warmtepompen



Betrouwbare installatie van zonnepanelen voor stabiele energie-efficiëntie van uw pand



Plaatsing van energiezuinige raamkozijnen voor comfort en geluidsisolatie


Laadpalen en meer

Slimme oplossingen voor elektrische mobiliteit en andere energie-efficiënte installaties



Professionele installatie, gegarandeerde kwaliteit

We provide all kinds of air conditioning services, including maintenance, installation, and repair. 

We are located in New York, and our work is to make sure that your air conditioner works just fine, and you feel comfortable.

  • Certified Dealer

    We are an official partner of most American and European air conditioning manufacturers. 

  • Professional Team

    Each of our experts is highly trained and familiar with the latest HVAC technology.

At AC Experts, we know everything about air conditioners and can solve literally any problem with them at your home or office.

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Een slimme investering en een comfortabele toekomst!

Energie-efficiëntie is niet alleen een manier om energiekosten te verlagen, maar ook een investering in comfort en de toekomst. Met moderne oplossingen zoals zonnepanelen, warmtepompen en hoogwaardige isolatie kunt u uw energieverbruik aanzienlijk verminderen, de waarde van uw woning verhogen en uw ecologische impact verkleinen. In Nederland ondersteunt de overheid actief energiezuinige initiatieven met subsidies en belastingvoordelen voor duurzame technologieën. Profiteer van deze kans om uw huis comfortabeler, voordeliger en milieuvriendelijker te maken!
🔹 Klaar voor verandering? Kies vandaag nog voor de beste oplossingen 

We're here for you 7 days a week


Happy Clients


ACs installed in 2022


Air Conditioner Repairs




Quality Repair Services for You

Whatever the problem with your AC system is, we'll fix it.


Duct Repairs

Sometimes the problem with the air conditioner lies in the duct. We will solve such problems quickly and easily. 


Electronics Repair

We will quickly fix the problem or replace the electronic stuffing of your air conditioner. 



We will help you select the best place to install the air conditioner, as well as the AC model and brand. 



We will determine the cause of a breakdown, poor airflow, or any other problem with your air conditioner. 

playCreated with Sketch Beta.


Watch How We Work


Affordable Prices

Below are the approximate prices for different types of work that we perform. The expert will be able to tell you the exact price after the initial consultation. 

  • Air conditioner diagnostics

    from $50

    Checking all air conditioner systems and detecting problems. We work with such brands as Samsung, LG, Hitachi, Toshiba, and others.

  • AC installation

    from $80

    Installation of an air conditioner in a selected place in your home or office, connection of all systems. 

  • AC replacement

    from $65

    Replacing your old air conditioner with new equipment of any brand with which we work. 

  • Servicing per unit

    from $35

    Timely maintenance will extend the ACs' service life. The price is specified for one air conditioner.

  • Emergency repair

    from $115

    Emergency repair includes coming to your place within 2 hours and completing any kind of repairs needed. 

  • Scheduled repair

    from $85

    Up to 4 hours on site and any kind of repairs. The price does not include spare parts and/or materials.

  • Thermostat replacement services

    from $75

    If your thermostat doesn’t control the AC or heating temperatures, we can make adjustments or replace it.

  • Complete AC unit installation

    from $1005

    The price includes consultation, supply, labor, and materials. You get a brand new AC system installed at home or office.

  • Air conditioner diagnostics

    from $85

    Checking all modules of the multi-split system and detecting problems. We work with such AC brands as Samsung, LG, Toshiba, and others.

  • Multi-split system installation

    from $150

    Installation of your multi-split system in your home or office, connecting and setting up all modules. 

  • AC replacement

    from $45

    If one of the parts is out of order, we will replace it and connect the new equipment to the multi-split system. 

  • Servicing per system

    from $105

    Timely maintenance will extend the ACs' service life. The price is specified for the whole multi-split system.

  • Emergency repair

    from $155

    Emergency repair of your multi-split system includes coming to your place within 2 hours and completing any kind of repairs needed. 

  • Scheduled repair

    from $130

    Up to 4 hours on site and any kind of repairs of your multi-split system. Spare parts and/or materials are not included.

  • Thermostat replacement services

    from $95

    If the thermostat doesn’t control the AC or heating temperatures, we can replace it and connect the new equipment to the whole system.

  • Complete multi-split system installation

    from $2000

    The price includes consultation, supply, labor, and materials and depends on the modules of the multi-split system. 


Highly Qualified AC Experts

We love our job and making our customers feel comfortable.


Max DowghartDirector

Max founded AC Experts in 2009 and keeps developing our company every day.


Jim MooreTop AC expert

Jim knows everything about air conditioners and fixes them in a blink of an eye.


Donald EckhartMain Engineer

Donald is responsible for the most complicated repairs and electronics. 


Request Appointment If You Need Any of Our Services

We work 7 days a week from 8 am to 8 pm and will come quickly to your home or office.


A Service They Trust

Thank you for your testimonials!They are the highest praise of our job!


Amanda Welsh

“Two years after the purchase, my air conditioner broke down. I was very upset because the warranty had already expired. I called the AC Experts service, and a few hours later the repairman came and fixed everything for quite a low price. I'm totally satisfied!"

October 28, 2024


Dean Stevenson

“We were choosing a new air conditioner and decided not to repeat past mistakes. We immediately contacted the AC Experts service, the guys helped us choose a split system, a perfect place for its installation, and quickly installed the purchased equipment.”

February 18, 2024


Douglas Potter

“Our office air conditioner broke down at the hottest time of the month. It was a nightmare! We urgently called the repair service, and the AC Experts team arrived in 2 hours and quickly fixed everything. Thank you guys, you saved us from death from suffocation, no kidding!”

July 13, 2024


Top Articles

We offer a 2-year warranty on all services provided that you use the air conditioner correctly*


How to Clean Your Air Conditioner?

May, 20, 2024


Using one AC system for several rooms

September, 10, 2024


Causes of Breakdowns of Air Conditioners

March, 12, 2024


Home Air Filter Replacement

April, 22, 2024


Need AC Repair or Installation Services in New York?

Call us for urgent requests or fill out the form on the right.


230 E 68th St, New York, NY 10065


Monday - Sunday: 8 AM - 8 PM

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